Rediscovering America

About Me
My name is John Deffenbaugh, and I’ve lived outside America for 50 years. My frame of reference is the 1960s when I grew up in Peoria, Illinois. I’ve travelled back to the US frequently since moving abroad in 1971, and these travels have reinforced how much America has changed – it’s no longer the America that I knew.
I therefore wanted to rediscover America, so I set out on long road trips that reflected my personal journey of discovery. The resulting book will be a socio-political historical travelogue, The Country I Left Behind.
My interest in history and politics framed my exploration. I visited places that I’d been before and new places that interested me. I listened to what people said, their views, and what underpined their thinking. I visited old friends to renew connections, shared stories and got their take on what’s happened over the past 50 years. I found out what’s changed and explored what caused this change. I got a glimpse of the future too.
My challenge was to listen, not to advocate. I wanted to hear all views, all perspectives from across the country. I took trains, buses and planes, rented cars, cadged lifts. But unlike my travels in the 1960s, I didn’t hitchhike.
My road trips came at a momentous time – the convulsions of a contested election were still working their way through the system; 50 years of abortion precedent had been overturned; the economy and wars were causing Americans to question the future as they became more divided.
Through all this, I wanted to keep an open mind – to understand people and circumstances I encountered, and to see what this told me about both America and me. I blogged under the broad categories of the conversations I had, the history I explored, and the travels I took. I also wrote daily diaries on Facebook, and offered comment on LinkedIn.
Latest Blog posts

Trump’s Second First Term
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Trump’s Path to the Presidency (Again)
I’ve been asked by many in the UK what I think about the election. My view has changed since I posted on this last August.

Healthcare as a Right
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Betting the house
I’ve had over 450 conversations with folks on my road trips. On the recent one over May-June, I specifically explored voting intentions for 2024. I

Take me out to the ballgame
1961 was a good year to learn about American sports. Roger Maris was chasing the home run record, the AFL had just started up, and basketball at our